Neuromorphic spiking sensors are inspired by the functionality of their biological counterparts (e.g. retina to inspire vision sensors, cochlea to inspire auditory sensors, mechanoreceptor to inspire touch sensors, etc.) and provide change detection mechanisms at the sensor to directly produce sparse outputs. The asynchronous outputs of these event-driven sensors can enable always-on sensing at lower latencies and data rates compared to conventional sampled sensors for Internet of Things (IoT) and Brain-Machine Interface (BMI) applications. Recent developments in deep networks, spiking networks, and in-memory computing have led to very low-power neuromorphic systems that combine these sensors and networks for several edge computing systems. In-memory computing can help to reduce power from off-chip memory access, the main bottleneck for implementing neural networks, and can additionally, support different learning algorithms useful for adaptive neuromorphic systems. Also, these methods reduce the energy required to implement matrix multiplies, nonlinearities, and other signal-processing operations over digital systems.
This tutorial will describe the advances in the design of neuromorphic sensors, bio-inspired network architectures and algorithms, and hardware implementations that can also be applied to the spiking sensor output. We will present examples of the use of neuromorphic systems in low-latency low-power application domains of ubiquitous visual sensing and brain-machine interfaces.
Arindam Basu received the B.Tech and M.Tech degrees in ECE from the I.I.T, Kharagpur in 2005, the M.S. degree in Mathematics and PhD. degree in ECE from the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta in 2009 and 2010 respectively. Dr. Basu received the Prime Minister of India Gold Medal in 2005 from I.I.T Kharagpur.
He is a Professor in City University of Hong Kong in the Department of Electrical Engineering.
He is currently the Associate Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems and an Associate Editor of IEEE Sensors journal, Frontiers in Neuroscience, and IOP Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering. He has served as IEEE CAS Distinguished Lecturer for 2016-17 period. Dr. Basu received the best student paper award at Ultrasonics symposium, 2006, best live demonstration at ISCAS 2010 and a finalist position in the best student paper contest at ISCAS 2008. He was awarded MIT Technology Review's TR35 Asia Pacific award in 2012 and inducted into Georgia Tech Alumni Association's 40 under 40 class of 2022.
Our goal is to realize an ion imaging system that can simultaneously visualize the two-dimensional distribution of chemical substances in real time. We believe that this technology will dramatically deepen our understanding of conventional medical and physiological fields. In the tutorial presentation, I will describe the fabrication and design of a chemical image sensor developed by our group.
The role of bioactive substances in the extracellular microenvironment is important for understanding the function of brain neural networks. However, there has been no effective method to visualize the interaction of bioactive substances in the extracellular microenvironment.
I have realized a chemical image sensor using CMOS image sensor technology to visualize this extracellular microenvironment. CMOS image sensor technologies are evolving dramatically. Among the sensors that are in use, the CMOS image sensor is manufactured with the most refined semiconductor-integrated-circuit technology. In recent years, the number of pixels has exceeded 20 million, sometimes even reached 100 million. Meanwhile, the pixel size has been reduced to 1 µm × 1 µm or below. Considering that human cells are approximately 20 µm and synapses are 1–2 µm in size, it is now possible to manufacture bioimaging sensors that directly sense multiple ions released from cells and neurotransmitters by integrating CMOS image sensor and biosensor technologies.
I will then show examples of the development of sensors that can be implanted in the brain and real-time monitoring of pH changes in the brains of mice in their natural environment. I will also present examples of imaging of extracellular lactic acid and potassium ions based on this sensor and discuss the importance of measuring the extracellular environment.
Kazuaki Sawada was born in Kumamoto, Japan in 1963. He received a Ph.D. degree in system and information engineering in 1991, from Toyohashi University of Technology, Aichi, Japan. Doctor of Engineering.
From 1991 to 1998, he was an Assistant Professor in the Research Institute of Electronics, Shizuoka University, Shizuoka, Japan. Since 1998, He was a lecturer at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology from 1991 to 1998, an associate professor in 2000 and a professor at the Faculty of Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology since 2007. In 2005, he was a visiting professor at the Technical University of Munich.
Prof. Sawada was Director of the Venture Business Laboratory and Director of the Incubation Facility from 2008 to 2014, Assistant to the university president as a Director of the KOSEN Collaboration Office in 2016, Director of the Electronics-Inspired Interdisciplinary Research Institute (EIIRIS) from 2014 to 2016. He is currently Director of the Institute for Research in Next-Generation Semiconductors and Sensing Science (IRES²) from 2023.
In 2009, he received the 65th Electrical Society of Japan Award for the Promotion of Electric Science (Progress Award). In 2013, he received the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Research Category). His current research focuses on smart sensors that integrate integrated circuit technology and sensor technology. In particular, he is developing non-label bio-imaging sensing devices and multimodal sensors by integrating bio-related technologies and integrated circuit technologies.
We are living in the age of human-machine augmentation and coexistence (e.g., smartphones, AI assistants, computers, earbuds, smart watches) and steadily marching towards a new age of human-machine seamless cooperation (HMC) or even symbiosis. Radiative communication using electromagnetic (EM) fields is the state-of-the-art for connecting wearable and implantable devices enabling prime applications in the fields of connected healthcare, electroceuticals, neuroscience, augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) and human-computer interaction (HCI) and HMC, forming a subset of the Internet of Things called the Internet of Bodies (IoB). However, owing to such radiative nature of the traditional wireless communication, EM signals propagate in all directions, inadvertently allowing an eavesdropper to intercept the information. Moreover, since only a fraction of the energy is picked up by the intended device, and the need for high carrier frequency compared to information content, wireless communication tends to suffer from poor energy-efficiency (>nJ/bit). Noting that all IoB devices share a common medium, i.e. the human body, utilizing the conductivity of the human the body allows low-loss transmission, termed as human body communication (HBC) and improves energy-efficiency. Conventional HBC implementations still suffer from significant radiation compromising physical security and efficiency. Our recent work has developed Electro-Quasistatic Human Body Communication (EQS-HBC), a method for localizing signals within the body using low-frequency transmission, thereby making it extremely difficult for a nearby eavesdropper to intercept critical private data, thus producing a covert communication channel, i.e., the human body as a ‘wire’ along with reducing interference and providing 100x more efficient communication than Bluetooth.
In this talk, I will highlight recent advancements in the field of IoB enabled by the Body-as-a-Wire technology which has a strong promise to become the future of Body Area Network (BAN) along with it’s counterpart in the Brain leading to broadband communication. We will focus on the circuit model developed in recent literature explaining the fundamental behavior of Electro-Quasistatic Body and Brain Communication, leading to understanding of channel loss. We will finally show how such low-power communication is paving the way forward for Secure and Efficient IoB for seamless Human-Machine Co-operation.
Shreyas Sen is an Elmore Associate Professor of ECE & BME, Purdue University. His current research interests span mixed-signal circuits/systems and electromagnetics for the Internet of Bodies (IoB) and Hardware Security. He has co-authored 3 book chapters, over 200 journal and conference papers and has 25 patents granted/pending. Dr. Sen serves as the Director of the Center for Internet of Bodies (C-IoB) at Purdue. Dr. Sen is the inventor of the Electro-Quasistatic Human Body Communication (EQS-HBC), or Body as a Wire technology, for which, he is the recipient of the MIT Technology Review top-10 Indian Inventor Worldwide under 35 (MIT TR35 India) Award in 2018 and Georgia Tech 40 Under 40 Award in 2022. To commercialize this invention Dr. Sen founded Ixana and serves as the Chairman and CTO and led Ixana to awards such as 2x CES Innovation Award 2024, EE Times Silicon 100, Indiana Startup of the Year Mira Award 2023, among others. His work has been covered by 250+ news releases worldwide, invited appearances on TEDx Indianapolis, NASDAQ live Trade Talks at CES 2023, Indian National Television CNBC TV18 Young Turks Program, NPR subsidiary Lakeshore Public Radio and the CyberWire podcast. Dr. Sen is a recipient of the NSF CAREER Award 2020, AFOSR Young Investigator Award 2016, NSF CISE CRII Award 2017, Intel Outstanding Researcher Award 2020, Google Faculty Research Award 2017, Purdue CoE Early Career Research Award 2021, Intel Labs Quality Award 2012 for industry wide impact on USB-C type, Intel Ph.D. Fellowship 2010, IEEE Microwave Fellowship 2008, GSRC Margarida Jacome Best Research Award 2007, and nine best paper awards including IEEE CICC 2019, 2021 and in IEEE HOST 2017-2020, for four consecutive years. Dr. Sen's work was chosen as one of the top-10 papers in the Hardware Security field (TopPicks 2019). He serves/has served as an Associate Editor for IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits (JSSC), Solid-State Circuits Letters (SSC-L), Nature Scientific Reports, Frontiers in Electronics, IEEE Design & Test, Executive Committee member of IEEE Central Indiana Section and Technical Program Committee member of TPC member of ISSCC, CICC, DAC, CCS, IMS, DATE, ISLPED, ICCAD, ITC, and VLSI Design. Dr. Sen is a Senior Member of IEEE and Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE SSCS society.
Biopotential signals acquisition plays a critical role in a human-computer interface system. Most of these biopotential signals distributed in the band of lower than kilo-hertz, or even lower than hundreds hertz. Precise acquisition of low amplitude signal at near DC frequency band is a challenge. In addition, the wearable/implantable scenario rises a high requirement in power efficiency, which causes a very limited power budget for the typically power hungry wireless data transmission. The existed commercial solutions, such as BLE and/or WiFi, are not suitable. This seminar first introduced the origins of various common vital signals, such as brain signals, heart signals, and etc. An acquisition with high precision and μV level low input- referred noise (IRN) is required from the scenario. In addition, the performance of low-power consumption is also expected to extend the battery life, as well as to reduce self-heating of the implanted device for safety. The chopper-stabilized amplifier is promising due to its good flicker noise and power consumption performance. More detailed design strategy will be presented in the seminar. The data transmission workload increases while the acquisition channel increases to several thousands. A wireless data link with Gb/s throughput is strongly required. In addition to the data-rate, the wireless telemetry module faces a strictly limited power budget of only a few milliwatts, to avoid tissue heating. Thirdly, a compact implant design with as few as possible off-chip components is expected to minimize the harm caused by the implant. mW power consumption transmitter solution with Gbps througoutput will be presented in the seminar as well, realizing a high energy efficiency SoC solution for wireless vital signal acquisition. Frontier applications will be shared by the end of the talk.
Milin Zhang is an associate professor in the department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University. She received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electronic engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 2004 and 2006, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in the Electronic and Computer Engineering Department, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Hong Kong. After finishing her doctoral studies, she worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn). She joined Tsinghua University in 2016. Her research interests include sensor interface circuit and system design for biomedical applications and design of various non-traditional imaging sensors.
She serves and has served as the Senior Associate Editor (SAE) of TCAS-II, Associate Editor (AE) of TBioCAS, the TPC member of ISSCC, CICC, A-SSCC and CASS. She is the Chapter chair of the SSCS Beijing chapter. She is the Distinguished Lecturer of CASS and IEEE WiE.